Halavah Fat Fudge

If you're not familiar with fat bombs or fat fudge, they are great little treats that can be used when trying to increase your consumption of healthy fats, curb your sugar cravings or control your blood sugar. When I am leading one of my cleanse groups, I have these in my recipe packet because these are a great tool to help kick cravings.

I love using silicone candy molds to help really make these feel like a treat and elevate the experience. Here is one I like.

There are many different recipes out there that are great. I happen to love this one and find it reminiscent to halavah which brings me back to my childhood.

4 tablespoons ghee or butter
4 tablespoons coconut butter
4 tablespoons tahini,
2 tablespoon raw cacoa powder (optional)
1 - 2 teaspoons raw honey (omit when on 21 Day Purification)
a pinch of sea salt
¼ teaspoon organic pure vanilla extract or vanilla bean

• Heat the ghee/butter, tahini and coconut butter in a medium sized saucepan over low heat until melted.
• Add in the cocoa powder, sea salt, honey and vanilla.
• While warm, pour the mixture into ice cube trays, candy molds or lined mini muffin tin.
• Place into the freezer for 5 minutes until hard.
• Pop out of the mold and enjoy!
• Keep stored in an airtight container in the fridge (for 2 weeks) or freezer (for up to 6 months).

Recipe Notes
Amounts are approximate. You can substitute other nut or seed butters for the tahini. You can omit the butter and just use coconut butter (great when you’re on a cleanse and omitting the honey as the coconut butter is naturally sweet) or vice versa. You can add superfoods like reishi or ashwagandha powder for added benefits. Cacoa nibs for crunch. Peppermint oil for a peppermint patty effect. Get creative and have fun with this very forgiving recipe.

Food as Medicine Note
Tahini is high in anti-oxidants and monounsaturated fats both of which are supportive of heart health and healthy lipid levels. It’s a great source of minerals including calcium, phosphorus, zinc and iron to help support strong bones.


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